Hi, I’m Marnie.

And I Write Thrillers.


Hi! Thanks for visiting my site and checking out my books! I’m Marnie and I’m an author of psychological thrillers, mysteries, and the occasional spooky story. I also host the podcast EERIE OKIE, a show where my friends and I explore the darker side of my home state, Oklahoma.

When I’m not hunched over a keyboard clacking away with a story-themed candle next to me, I can be found out and about. I love hiking, nature parks, state parks, bird photography, microscopic photography, going out to eat, and playing cards with my family. They’re vicious.

I also enjoy staying home and bingeing delicious dramas and consuming trashy reality TV. Every night I read (preferably something dark) right before bed and sleep peacefully!


The books I write tend to be dark and twisty with strong female heroines that readers relate to and enjoy rooting for! The best compliments I’ve received about my writing have to do with the “unputdownable” factor in my books. My readers often express that they stayed up all night finishing one of my books!

All of my books are available on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited. Check them out here: